Week 4 - CST 300

Part I 
Educational Goals

  • Continue in the CS Online Program and get my Bachelors in Computer Science.
  • Learn more about various subjects including data science and machine learning. 
    • Possibly take additional classes in CS subjects that are especially interesting to me. 
  • Become proficient in different languages including, but not limited to:
    • C++
    • Python
    • JavaScript
    • Go
  • Increase my foundational knowledge and have it become like second nature to me. 
  • Build on what I've learned and retain new concepts and skills. 
  • After I graduate with my Bachelors, I would like to get a MSCS while I continue working. 
Part II
Career Goals

  • Get a job as a Software Engineer. My primary goals is to get any job (at least in the beginning), but ultimately I would like to do something that focuses on AI or machine learning.
  • I would like to get a fully remote position, this is part of the reason I am returning to school. 
  • Eventually, I would like to try and get into a Fortune 500 company. FAANG is the dream, but unless it is a fully remote, I'm not really interested in moving to a city where the average home price is in the seven figures. 
Part III
After reviewing the outline for the ETS Major Field Test, I thought I wouldn't have too many issues with it, but when going over the test I was a little concerned with how little information I was able to recall. The questions on the test were pretty basic, but without any kind of review, I had trouble being able to answer correctly. I'm sure as we move on through the program, that kind of information will become part of my foundational knowledge, but right now I struggled. When I take the test next year I am hoping to place in the 80th percentile at least, but if I were to seriously take it today, it would be below 30th.

Part IV
The readings and activities for the week focused on various topics, including career goals, team building exercises, and our upcoming ethics essay. The writing lab portion of the module focused on stakeholders and bias. I learned more about the different types of claims and how they are used in arguments. The lab prepared us for the upcoming ethics essay we will need to complete as part of our GE Outcomes. Completing the outline was helpful, just as it was with the Industry Analysis paper and it helped me better collect my thoughts and the direction I wanted to go with my paper. 

The OLI assignment for this week focused on actual teamwork. The workstyle and conflict styles we reviewed last week were put into practice. During my weekly team meeting, we discussed our various workstyles and completed an activity where we disclosed 2 truths and 1 lie. It was interesting to hear about my other teammates as I am still getting to know them. It also helped knowing ways in which we could offer support to each other and to hear about their different points of view.


  1. Hi Maria,

    Impressive goals! Your commitment to the CS program and learning various subjects, especially data science and machine learning, is commendable. Becoming proficient in languages like C++, Python, JavaScript, and Go is ambitious. I also found your career goals intriguing, particularly your focus on AI and machine learning for a fully remote position. Consider exploring related internships or projects during your studies for hands-on experience. Your aspirations for a Fortune 500 company or even FAANG are commendable. Best of luck!


  2. Hey Maria,
    I love your bulletpoints! As I feel we share multiple goals to achieve throughout this course and more. I really like that you're focused on the foundational skills of software development especially with a focus on working in the field of AI, as I feel you'll have both a high-level of flexibility in the field, and also you'll have a better understanding of the underlying technology. I also can relate to wanting to work remotely as it allows more flexibility, and in some cases like you've noted, relatively cheaper than needing to work in an office setting. I know with the commitment, and accountability you've shown through our work as a team you'll reach all these goals! Here's to looking forward to checking off another bulletpoint on the list!


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