CST 370 - Week 7
This is the last week of the course and also the week we complete our final for the class. Despite this, we explored several new topics including dynamic programming, Warshall's algorithm, Floyd's algorithm, Prim's algorithm, and counting sort which a non-comparison sorting technique similar to Radix sort, which we also reviewed. Radix sort sorts numbers digit by digit using a stable sorting algorithm, while counting sort directly counts the occurrences of each integer or element.
The algorithms we discussed this week were Prim's algorithm, Warshall's algorithm, and Floyd's algorithm. Some characteristics of these algorithms include the following:
- Warshall's algorithm is used to determine the path between two vertices of a directed graph. It uses a matrix to check the path from each vertex.
- Floyd's algorithm finds the shortest path between all pairs of vertices in both directed and undirected graphs.
- Prim's algorithm finds the minimum spanning tree (MST) of a undirected graph. It does this by selecting the vertex with the smallest edge weight within the MST and one outside the MST.
Despite the class being nearly over, I still found myself learning more about different types of algorithms and how they work.
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