CST 363 - Week 6

 A lot of what I learned this week related database programming with Java. The team project we had integrated a lot of what was learned in regards to the JDCB (Java Database Connectivity) driver for MySQL. This included creating the connection, what to add in the dependencies, as well as the various statements needed in order to actually run the code and have it linked to necessary the SQL database. Some of the steps needed to communicate with the SQL database include creating/closing a connection, creating statement or "prepared statement" object, executing queries in order to retrieve information and and update the database, and creating exemptions to handle errors. The syntax for these statements was discussed both in lecture and in Zybooks. Results from queries are retrieved with the ResultSet interface that allows values to be retrieved depending on the data type (i.e. getInt(), getDouble(), etc). Overall, I feel I gained a decent understanding of database programming with Java. 


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