CST 363 - Week 7


  • Compare MongoDB with MySQL. 
    • MySQL and MondoDB are both databases that store and manage data. With MySQL this information is typically stored in a table. MondoDB is known as a NoSQL system that stores it's information in "documents."
  • What are some similarities? 
    • Some similarities are that they are both databases. Both also use indexes as a means of retrieving data through queries. 
  • What are some differences? 
    • Some differences are that MondoDB does not use foreign keys. The structure of MySQL queries is much different than those of MondoDB. Additionally, MondoDB is schema-less creating much greater flexibility when storing data than MySQL
  • When would you choose one over the other? 
    • Per the MondoDB resource guide (https://www.mongodb.com/resources/compare/mongodb-mysql): 
    • "MySQL is a mature relational database system, offering a familiar database environment for experienced IT professionals." You would choose MySQL when focusing on the integrity of the data. 
    • "MongoDB is a well-established, non-relational database system offering improved flexibility and horizontal scalability, but at the cost of some safety features of relational databases, such as referential integrity." It would be used when greater flexibility is needed when building a database. 


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