CST 334 - Week 6

 This week module was a continuation of concurrency, with the readings covering semaphores and common bugs that occur as a result of concurrency. Semaphores are synchronization primitives (also an object) with an integer value that can be manipulated with two routines. Semaphores can be used as a lock, as well as for ordering and are utilize for writing concurrent programs. The readings this week also covered some concurrency issues that may arise, such as bugs. These bugs are generally known as non-deadlock bugs and can be grouped into two major categories, atomicity-violation bugs and order-violation bugs. Atomicity-violation bugs occur when the desired serializability among memory accesses is violated, while order-violation bugs occur when the desired order between two memory accesses is flipped. The programming lab we completed this week focused on locks and converting a webserver from single thread to multi-threaded. 


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